Re-stream to social media

You can re-stream your live event to various social media platforms. However, we will only send the video feed to these platforms. Users will have to visit the web application to purchase products, good news they can continue watching the live event from there directly.

The ideal workflow is to use social streaming channels to promote your event and then link to your web application for users to continue to watch and purchase.

  1. Facebook configuration

Generating your RTMP Stream Key

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Create Live Stream"
  3. From the menu on the left select "Schedule a Live Video"
  4. Under "Setup Options" turn on "Use a Persistent Stream Key"
  5. Copy the generated "Stream Key" from "Stream Key Setup"
  6. You can now configure the rest of the Facebook Live event by setting the date and time and other settings. (Please refer to the Facebook documentation for more details)

Note: "Use a Persistent Stream Key" is optional, but make it easier if you are new to RTMP streaming. Generally, all you need is the "Stream Key".

Configuring your channel for Facebook Live

  1. Login to the admin panel and go to "Channel Settings"
  2. In the "Facebook Resetreaming" settings enter rtmps:// as Stream URL and paste the "Stream Key" from Facebook in the Stream ID field.

  1. YouTube configuration

Generating your YouTube Stream Key

  1. Go to ""
  2. Click on "Create" and then "Live Streaming"
  3. From the menu on the left select "Stream"
  4. Locate "Stream Settings" and note down the "Stream Key" and "Stream URL"

Configuring your channel for YouTube Live

  1. Login to the admin panel and go to "Channel Settings"
  2. In the "YouTube Resetreaming" settings enter the Stream URL you copied from the YouTube console and paste the "Stream Key" from YouTube in the Stream ID field.

Please refer to the YouTube documentation on how to configure the rest of your YouTube live stream.

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